Monday, April 6, 2015

What's the Skinny?

Recently a friend asked me why I have guest authors on my blog instead of promoting my own books more often. The answer is actually a lot simpler than you might think.

I can promote ‘til the cows come home, but that feels a bit selfish. I’m a reader as well as a writer, so I like to hear about the books of others, too. Oh, speaking of cows, How Now Purple Cow was recently released. It’s about purple cows and elderly spies. Huh! You might wonder how those two things relate to each other. I’m not telling about it here. You’ll have to read the book. Okay, so that’s all the self-promotion you’ll get today.

Why do I have guest authors on Marja’s Mystery Blog? AsI mentioned, I’m a reader. What better way to find out about authors and their books? It can be fun to learn more about the writer as a person. We can learn what motivates them and where some of their stories come from. Just when I think I’ve got writers figured out, they come along and tell stories that surprise me. Some of these authors are brand spanking new, and some are well-entrenched in one of the most difficult businesses to break into.

Authors have lots of stories and if you’ll give them the chance, they’re more than happy to share. Some of the stories are sad, and some are quite funny. All you have to do is listen and learn.

I want the skinny about mystery writers and the capers they’ve been involved in. Give me the lowdown – all the background behind the author. Tell me where you’ve been and where you’re planning on going.  I want it all.

I’ve often said a blog is a good showcase for a writer’s style. Even though a blog isn’t a book, it still gives a good clue to the author’s writing.

Ever hear of reciprocity? I sincerely believe that what goes around, comes around. So if I give someone a chance to discuss themselves and their books, then on occasion someone else will allow me to do the same. It’s a win-win situation.

I surprised a few people when I told a story on someone else’s blog about having to search a women’s restroom for a bomb without any training back in the 1970s, when I worked in law enforcement. Things were very different at that time, needless to say. There was also the story about a job applicant who threatened to kill me because she didn’t get a job. It didn’t matter that I hadn’t made the decision not to hire her and didn’t have any input. She told me to watch my back because she’d get me when I least expected it. Okay, so after all these years I’m still here and she never went to work for the agency she’d applied to, but good grief! All I did was administer a typing test. I’ve got a lifetime of stories, and people wonder why I became a mystery writer. Other writers have plenty of material to draw from, too.

Thanks to guest bloggers on my site, I learn about new books and I make new friends.  I also learn more about old friends. How much better can it get? Maybe my books won’t be best sellers on the New York Times Best Seller List, but then again, one can always hope, and I have the same hope for authors who write guest posts.

So I’ll continue to have guest authors visit, and I’ll promote my books, too. On occasion I’ll do a blog about writing issues. I almost did one about overused words this week, but I have to admit that I was bored with it. Maybe another time.

Until next time, do for others, and just maybe they’ll pass it on and do for someone else. Reciprocity is a lovely word, and not often overused.

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  1. Thanks as always for such an interesting blogpost, Marja...! :-)

    It's true that a blogpost, written by a 'new-to-me' author, sometimes manages to provide me with a general idea of the writing style ...and this can help me in my reading decision. 

    For this reason, I truly appreciate your generosity in inviting guest authors on your blog as this gives me an opportunity to check out the writing style of various authors well as to discover interesting things about them...!

    Here I must also mention that it was the entertaining writing in your own blogpost that motivated me to read one of your books sooner than I had planned ...and I am happy to say that I enjoyed reading the book as much as I enjoy all the blogposts written by you...! :-) 

    1. Thank you so much, Ramla! Learning more about other authors often sends me to the bookstore. Sometimes it's difficult to get our names "out there" and we need a place where we can talk about our books. Your comment encourages me to keep it up. Thank you for stopping in today!

  2. I love the fact that you host guest authors--like me. I also host authors and love it. I live to have fresh material on my blog and this is definitley the easiest way. Isn't it time you came to visit me again, Marja?

    1. Thank you for the invitation, Marilyn. I've noticed you're very generous with giving time to authors on your blog. I'll email you. And thank you for stopping in today!

  3. I'm always impressed with how generous writers are in supporting and showcasing other writers. I've discovered lots of new voices, picked up interesting information, and certainly enjoyed the time I spend reading other posts. I've rarely hosted other writers, but then my blog is far more haphazard. But you're giving me ideas.

    1. The more ideas, the better, Susan. : ) I haven't found your blog to be haphazard, and I've enjoyed visiting. Thank you for stopping in today!

  4. Marja,
    I enjoy reading your posts every Monday because your "voice" definitely comes through and you always seem to find such interesting topics to write about.
    Like you, I believe in promoting other authors. We all need to help each other!

    1. You've done a wonderful job of promoting other authors, Pat, and I always enjoy new voices. I've been writing this blog since 2010 (at a different site) and I'm running out of ideas. LOL I need some inspiration. Thank you so much for stopping in!

  5. To guest on my Worlds in Place blog.

    1. I'm sorry, Gay, but I'm not exactly sure what you're saying. Thank you for stopping in, even if I am a little slow sometimes. : )

  6. I am grateful for the guest blogs. I've discovered some very good authors and books here on your blog, Marja.

    1. Thank you, Pat. I'm happy when I can provide a place for authors to share. : ) Including you! Thank you so much for stopping in!

  7. I agree about helping other writers, Marja. We writers definitely need all the help we can get.

    1. You're right, Jean. We need to stick together and hope for the best. : )

  8. You're completely right Marja. It's hard to be heard above the din in the publishing history, so us writers need all the help we can get. And not to forget to do the same. And it's a great way to meet new author friends as well as promote our work.

    1. It is, Lidy. And I love making new friends through our business. Thank you for stopping in!

  9. Love to read your blogs, Marja. I often feel the same way you do. And in this case, I also like to "pay it forward" so to speak, and host other authors on my blog.

    1. I've discovered several authors through your blog, Evelyn. Thank you, and thank you for having me as a guest from time to time! And than you for stopping in today!

  10. Well said, Marja. I love having guests on my blog and hearing about their latest book release and what inspires them.

    1. Me, too, Kathleen. It gives people a way to find new-to-them authors and to learn more about them. Thank you so much for stopping in today!

  11. I am happy I found your blog. I have reviewed some of your books on my blog.

    1. Glad to have you here, Betty, and thank you so much! I'll check out your blog, too.
