Monday, July 23, 2018

Seen Any Good Movies Lately?

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a movie trailer that gave me a legitimate desire to see a new movie. Those that I have viewed? I was disappointed in most of them.

You might wonder why a writer would blog about movies. The reason is quite simple. I’d like to see a good old-fashioned mystery movie – one where “they” don’t concentrate on gore, sex or foul language. I’ve read so many good mysteries lately and thought, “Wow! That would make a great movie.”

An Old-Fashioned Movie

 Call me a prude – and you might – but I’m tired of hearing the “F-bomb” and some of the other offensive words. I understand they’re not offensive to everyone, but come on – do they really add to the story? Are they an integral part of the dialogue? Okay, sometimes it gives flavor to a bad guy’s character, but it’s not necessary in every other sentence.

If I want to see gore, I’ll drive to the site of an accident next time I hear sirens. Personally, and this is just me, I’ve seen enough blood and guts on television. It’s often worse in the movies. I hate to see kids, and adults, getting used to seeing this stuff. At the scene of an accident, are you going to say, “Oh. I’ve seen this kind of thing a hundred times on TV. Big deal.”

And then there’s sex. I don’t need to see the details of someone else’s sex life. (It’s actually sexier when ”they” leave what happens to the viewer’s/reader’s imagination.)

If I spend the money to go to the theater and watch a mystery, I want to see a mystery. And I want it to be a good one. Yeah, I know. Who cares what one person wants? Well, it’s not just me who would like to see a good movie, a classic mystery. It would be even better if it didn’t involve a serial killer. That storyline is becoming a bit old. Oops! I wrote a book that involved a serial killer. Bad me!

Oh, and to make the mystery movie even better, I’d love to see one that makes me laugh. Of course, in some mysteries there’s no room for humor. That’s okay, too.

I’ve read plenty of entertaining mysteries lately. When you finish a book do you close it and sigh, thinking, “Ahhh, that would make a great movie.” Instead of coming up with some good new material, it seems to be the in thing to remake old movies (and TV shows), and honestly? I’d like to see something new and fresh.

A screenwriter made a presentation at a conference I once attended. He made the comment that if your book is picked up for a movie, don’t hold your breath while you wait to see your story on the Big Screen. Just about everyone involved in making a movie has the right to ask for changes. The movie may end up not even resembling your story.

As an author, am I spouting sour grapes? No, I’ve never had anyone offer to make a movie out of one of my books. However, as someone who enjoys a good movie, a mystery in particular, for the time-being I’ll stick with the old black and whites.

Well, I guess I have to laugh a little. When someone got shot in the old movies there was no bullet hole and no blood. Someone just fell down. Period. But at least the bullet hole didn’t spurt something red and there wasn’t any brain matter flying across the room.

Okay, I’m stepping down from my soapbox now (again). All I’m really saying is there are a lot of good books out there that would make great movies, and I’d go to see them in a heartbeat.

I know some of you don’t have a problem with language, sex and gore. If that doesn’t bother you, what does? What are some of the issues with today’s movies that would prevent you from spending your hard-earned money on a theater ticket? I’m honestly curious.

Until next time, read a book this week that you’ve been meaning to read but haven’t gotten around to, and decide if it would make a good movie nor not.

Marja McGraw’s website is in the process of being updated.
CLICK HERE for a quick trip to

Old Murders Never Die – A Sandi Webster Mystery takes places in a deserted ghost town and this is the one that included a serial killer – dating back to the late 1800s.


  1. Good post!
    Most of the TV advertisements I see for new movies are all about the action, intended to keep the attention of today's audience, I suppose. Which says something about our society.
    What I would like to see is more movies where character and plot are the most important elements. Give me more psychological suspense and a good story with characters I care about please. And, yes, I like to see humor in a movie when it's appropriate.

    1. Thank you for your comments, Pat. I hope things turn around in the movie industry. I'd love to see a movie I can just enjoy.

  2. I laughed at your comment about the bad guys getting shot and no blood spurting out. I was surfing my channels the other night and an old cowboy movie was playing. The sheriff shot three bad guys--bam, bam, bam--each clutched his chest and fell down dead. But no shirt was torn or messed up. I don't go to the movies any more for several reasons but mainly because none of them interest me. Great post, Marja!

    1. Thank you, Pat. The old movies weren't realistic, but that's kind of what made them easy to watch. I haven't been to a movie in ages. I tend to watch a few of the Made-for-TV movies that have a little more innocence and that are about the mystery, not the violence.

  3. I totally agree, Marja. There are some really good mystery novels that would make great movies. I love to watch decent movies that don't involve a lot of killing, blood and gore, street language, or a load of special effects, but do have an interesting mystery to solve. Oh, I could go on and on...

    1. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way, Evelyn. Give me a good mystery and forget the blood and gore and special effects. Sometime back I saw a movie about an historical figure and a mysterious house and found it was very loosely based on reality, and it was turned into a horror film. Ick.

  4. With you 100%

    I keep re-watching DVDs of my favorites, mostly from the golden-age of mystery. But also watch Midsomer over and over...haven't been drawn to a new movie in ages...

    1. I was doing the same thing, Madeline, until my DVD/video player stopped working. I've been too lazy to replace it. I do enjoy a few new series on TV, like The Artful Detective. While there are a few graphic deaths, it's downplayed and concentrates on solving the murders.

  5. Boy, I couldn't agree with you more. There are so few movies that appeal of me anymore. I'd love to see a movie that is both realistic and classy. You are right, there are so many books that would make terrific movies. My own opinion is your book "Old Murderers Never Die" would make a fantastic movie. It remains my favorite of all your books, though I love them all.

    1. Thank you, Jackie! I appreciate the thought. I've read a few books lately that I'd love to see on the screen and I don't care if it's the TV screen or the movie screen.

  6. I love to watch horror movies and TV show. But the movie you mentioned is too old for me. But after reading your post I set my mind to watch movie online
